I’m proud to introduce a new area to Bladezone the BZ Galleries. I hope that there will be much interaction with the BZ members, and add to the archive of Blade Runner images.
The BZ Galleries will add more hard information to Bladezone. The “Lost and Found” area will not be redundant, it’s function will still be interesting background stories of Blade
Runner props.
The BZ Galleries will expand the scope of Bladezone to include the “BZ Art Gallery, which will be fan made art such as painting, drawings, and sculpture. The “BZ Prop Gallery will be
original props such as wardrobe, working drawings, and miscellaneous pieces. And the “BZ Model Gallery” will be garage and fan made models, which will include vehicles, figures and
weapons. In the future I hope to develop in the model section an area called “Models, in the works” which would showcase models in the build process.
All these new areas will take time to grow as more and more images are added, but I can’t do it alone. I’m counting on all the Blade Runner fans and Bladezone members to contribute
photographs of their personal art, props and models.
Gary Willoughby